Hope Supply Co., formerly known as Captain Hope's Kids, was founded in 1989 as The Hope Foundation for the Homeless, serving as a clearinghouse of donated resources. During the early 1990's, mothers with babies and children became the fastest growing segment of the homeless population. Because of this alarming trend, the Board of Directors voted to focus the mission on meeting the needs of the most vulnerable in our community, homeless and at-risk children. In 2015, we re-branded to Hope Supply Co. to better reflect our commitment to providing hope for children.
We meet the critical needs of homeless and at-risk children across North Texas by providing necessities including diapers, clothing, school supplies and toys to enhance their lives.
Hope Supply Co. maintains a large warehouse and procures, stores and delivers critically needed items for our children including diapers, wipes, hygiene items, school supplies, backpacks and toys. These items are distributed to over 70 partner agencies. Together we bring hope to homeless children and their families.